Pada 15 Mac 2022 eBay ada tersilap buat kutipan yuran. Yuran yang eBay kenakan ialah international site visibility. Sepatutnya ianya International Fees Charge.
Boleh baca artikel disini mengenai kesilapan ini.
Pada mulanya eBay terlupa nak kenakan caj. Kemudian tersilap caj dan tidak jadi caj. Sekarang eBay kenakan caj yang sepatutnya untuk hasil jualan pada Julai hingga Oktober 2021.

Berikut ialah kenyataan dari eBay
On March 25th 2022, we sent you an email with the subject line ‘Correcting the International Fee Charge on your Seller Invoice’. This was to inform you that the International Fees for the July-October 2021 period that had recently been charged to your account in March 2022 had been inadvertently mislabeled as “International Site Visibility Fees” in your invoice.
We would like to notify you that we will be billing you for International Fees incurred between July and October 2021 within the next 10 days. The charges will be reflected on your account
when you view your updated invoice.
The total amount is: $707.87
Click here to view your summary
Yuran ini akan ditolak dari hasil jualan akaun eBay. Ataupun anda boleh guna akaun Payoneer untuk membayar yuran eBay.
Setiap akaun berbeza nilai yang perlu ditolak. Anda boleh semak email dan tanya kepada eBay jika ada sebarang pertanyaan.